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      Engagement with TataTrusts



The Com DEALL Trust has had over a decade long engagement with the Tata Trusts(2005-2016). would like to acknowledge their generous support both in terms of funding and constructive suggestions offered from time to time, based on comprehensive reviews of  the ongoing projects.Our engagement with the Tata Trusts was over three phases.In the first phase (2005-2006) we formalized our evaluation procedures.The conceptualization, development, field testing and publication of the Com DEALL Developmental Checklists which evaluate children in the age range of (0-6) years across eight developmental domains, were the outcome of this phase of the project.


The second phase (2007-2010) focussed on the documentation of the Com DEALL  program. Twelve training manuals and five CDs were developed and released during this phase.


In the third phase (2011 to date) the focus was on scaling up the program and strengthening it by setting up training programs.Several new units were established in this period, eight of which

( Gwalior, Ludhiana, Ranchi, Guwahati, Aizwal, Varanasi, Bhuj and Ratnagiri) were set up with support from the Tata Trusts. Six others (Delhi, Lucknow, Jabalpur, Chennai, Kochi and Mangalore) were set up directly by The Com DEALL Trust.Translation of the twelve training manuals and five CDs into Hindi was taken up in this period. A training unit was established to conduct a post graduate diploma in early intervention.Two new clinical programs and two manuals (on Pre DEALL and Family Mediated Intervention Program) are the outcomes of this project period.


Several other activities were carried out based on the feedback from the Tata Trusts.These include dissemination of information through the Com DEALL website, publication and distribution of public awareness posters and research publications, presentations at various public forums, formation of a Com DEALL parents association,organizing a National Meet for representatives of over a hundred organizations,increased caregiver support through counselling, publication of a FAQ booklet, a manual for families of children with ASD, inclusive education workshop and inhouse training in Com DEALL philosophy and leadership.


Other activities included an internal national meet of the Com DEALL Trust which saw participation from all Com DEALL affiliate units,representatives of Com DEALL parents associations of these units, potential affiliates and leading professionals in the field.An autism update was also organized for professionals.The units supported by the Tata Trusts conducted awareness and capacity building activities in their regions.


The Com DEALL Trust would like to place on record its whole hearted appreciation of the Tata Trusts for their unstinting financial support and constructive guidance.












                                                           Image: Team from Tata Trusts with Dr.Prathibha Karanth at The Com DEALL Trust.




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