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Admissions to the Com DEALL Program

Age consideration


Young children with Developmental disorders (generally below the age of 6 years) are enrolled into the Com DEALL Program. Enrollment into a specific Com DEALL group or batch is based on age and group fit of the child. Two batches of the regular groups are conducted at the Early Intervention Centre, Main Office (at Hutchin Road), Bangalore.

Children who are generally below age of 3 1/2 years are enrolled in the morning group: 9.30 am - 12.30 pm.

Children above the age of 4, are generally enrolled in to the Noon group which runs from 2-5 pm. This enables the child to attend school during the morning hour, if possible.

Group fit

The intervention programs run by Com DEALL are conducted in small, mid sized or large group settings. At the time of enrollment, a child's potential fit into the existing group is considered. It becomes essential that the group setting is beneficial to him/her. Capabilities to benefit from a group are reviewed by therapists during the 'screening process'.

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